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Undo is a podcast about productivity, for caged-up creatives who want to do more with their off-work hours than finish all of Netflix.

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An investigation into how history’s oddballs, outliers, and overachievers built systems to help them do their best work.

Each episode unearths a so-called productivity hack from history to help you separate the brilliant from the bullshit, so you can build a methodology that works for you.

Productivity isn’t about getting more done to feed a money-seeking monster with an ever-growing appetite. It’s about clearing the clutter so you can focus on what you do best.

Because if Ben Franklin can invent the lightbulb without Inbox Zero, you can probably survive without 10x-ing your toothbrush routine.

Written, hosted, and produced by Mark Steadman

Mark's career so far has taken him from desktop software and web developer, to voice actor, to startup founder, to podcast producer and advisor.

He likes to say he's done it all – and much more besides – with a brain that refuses to sit still; a brain that's constantly hungry for more (more input, more activity, more questions), and is never satisfied.

For over a decade Steadman has had a passing interest in ways we can work efficiently, eliminate duplication or unnecessary to-ing and fro-ing. With Undo, he's exploring not just the methods people create and use, but the people behind them, to find out what works and what's a waste.

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